About me

Hi! My name is Enrica and I create anime and manga themed paintings by painting directly on glass with the Glass Painting technique.
I like cats, tattoos and I have an obsession with french fries. My first anime crush was Ryo Saeba and I cry every time I watch Spirit Wildhorse.
I have always had an unbridled passion for art, so much so that since I was a child I loved to color and paint on every surface, to the point of being constantly dirty with color, a characteristic that I still maintain today.
Art didn't immediately become my job, after completing my art studies I even thought I had taken the wrong path because I couldn't find the right way to express my creativity. However, a few years ago I approached the world of anime and manga, which allowed me to discover a culture full of colors and novelties that reawakened my creativity, but above all the desire to create something new and get back into the game in the artistic field. This saved me and made me meet the old me again, that slightly shy little girl with her face always dirty with color.